Childbirth Preparation Online

One Day Childbirth Preparation course is for couples and presented ONLINE!

We use a direct video connection, so we can have direct interaction between parents and trainer so you can ask all the questions you might have!
However, to be behind your laptop for a complete day…… So, I do the online course in two parts. Part one on Saturday and part two Sunday. Time 10.00-13.00

The course is not only for first time parents and parents giving birth in the Netherlands for the first time but for everyone who wants to prepare themselves for the upcoming birth of their child.
During the course we look at all aspects of pregnancy, labor, birth and the early days of parenthood. Also we will learn about breathing and relaxing and this will be practiced, but of course it will be necessary to practice more later on at home.
Also, there will be information about the Dutch Health Care System which is completely different from all other countries around the world.
Not only we have Kraamzorg in the Netherlands but also a large history of Home birth deliveries……

A lot of information will be provided during the course, so you will receive additional hand-outs by mail.
It is a practical preparation for birth: to get all tools to cope with labor.
All stages of labor with positions, pushing techniques, postnatal period will be explained.
There is also attention for the role of the expecting partner. Their support can really make a difference during the birth of the baby.

Courses are, of course, presented in English.


The childbirth preparation course offers:

  • Information about the labor process and what follows
  • Preparing for the birth of your child as a couple
  • Chance to build a relationship with other mums and dads-to-be
  • Small groups in a welcoming environment
  • Get your questions answered
  • How the health system works around childbirth in The Netherlands
  • Pain relief, what are the possibilities in the Netherlands
  • The role of midwives
  • Place of birth
  • Attitude towards contractions and pain
  • Relaxation, breathing and massage exercises in the first stage of labour
  • Dilatation, what happens in your body
  • Use of a birth ball
  • Pushing in different positions
  • Instrumental assisted delivery (vacuum extraction, caesarean section)
  • Breastfeeding information (limited)
  • Information about Kraamzorg
  • First week of motherhood
  • Dutch habits and customs


Saturday Sunday
07-12-2024 08-12-2024
22-02-2025 23-02-2025
17-05-2025 18-05-2025
23-08-2025 24-08-2025
13-12-2025 14-12-2025

All dates subject to change


Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 13:00

Location: online

Cost:  € 150,00


You can register from 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Reservations can be made via the contact form.